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When evaluation can help

A good evaluation can be used to:

  • Provide a better understanding of a client's unique profile of strengths and weaknesses

  • Answer caregivers' and healthcare providers' questions about current abilities

  • Give diagnoses, when warranted, which can help guide treatment planning and provide access to further services and supports

  • Provide a baseline of abilities - for instance, prior to a medical or surgical treatment - and be used to monitor changes in ability over time

  • Provide information regarding a client's likely prognosis, that is, whether their abilities are expected to improve or decline over time

  • Detail specific strategies and resources which can be of assistance in improving the client's functioning and quality of life


You may want to schedule an adult evaluation for yourself, your spouse, partner, or parent if:
  • There is evidence of memory loss or changes in ability to pay attention, solve problems, or organize and plan for one's daily life

  • There has been a concussion/mTBI, other traumatic brain injury, or stroke/cerebral vascular accident (CVA)

  • Other neurological disoders, such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis, are present

  • There is evidence of longstanding difficulty with learning or attention which impacts performance at work or success in relationships

  • A disability evaluation is required

  • A neurologist, other pysician, or psychologist has made a referral for assessment







You may want to schedule an evaluation for your child if:
  • Your child seems to consistently struggle in one of the major domains of cognitive development, such as attention, language, problem solving, or social skills

  • Your child has been failing academic work for a period of more than a couple weeks with no discernable environmental cause

  • You have a family history of learning difficulties, atention problems, or difficulties with social skills and your child is struggling academically or socially

  • Your child has experienced a concussion/mTBI or other injury and is now struggling academically or socially

  • Your child appears smart and capable, but struggles to demonstrate these abilities in the classroom or often becomes frustrated, angry, or sad due to social or academic problems

  • Your child's teacher has suggested they struggle with learning or attention

  • Your child's pediatrician has referred you for evaluation of ADHD, dyslexia or other learning disabilities, or an autism spectrum disorder


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